Who am I ?

Who Are You?

My name is Waris Radji, I’m 19 years old, and I presently learning computer science at Université de Paris 13. I have been working at Laboratoire Scientifique de Paris Nord (LIPN - CNRS) as a Scala Developer to implement an unsupervised learning algorithm in the Clustering4Ever library. I’m also a high-level Street Lifting athlete in the Fundamental Strength Project (FSP) team. My goal is to become a doctor in Machine Learning. This is my first blog and I hope you will like it.

Why Are You Blogging?

I think that knowledge is some things that have to be shared to permit our entire community to evolve. As a very large consumer of blog posts, I feel I even have to share. The best way to know if you have understood a concept is to see if you can explain it.

What Are You Going To Be Blogging About?

Even if this blog will principally deal with Data Science, Procedural Generation and Programming (mainly in Scala, affirmative it is my favorite language), I would also talk about technology in general, sport (particularly on Street lifting with training methods and statistical analyses) and anything else that comes to mind.

Who Are You Writing For?

I write for anyone on this planet who has a sense of curiosity and a thirst for learning. I really hope to be able to facilitate beginner developers to be more advanced in their early days. If you feel you’re being targeted by my sentences above, I welcome you!

How Can They Get Involved?

I am open to all constructive comments, especially in my writing, as I am just starting out. Anyone who desires to write an article on my blog is welcome and feel free to recommend new topics. We’ll all move forward together!

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